Martes, Marso 29, 2011

write an opinion why student should take a college course..?

            Students should take a college course for them to enhance their skill and talent when it comes to their profession. With there he/she could get a college diploma which is very useful in finding job in the future because companies today is very sensitive when it come to man power and especially to their skills of such employee or worker.
           It is also good to take a college course for you to study your especiallity well. For example, you want to be a teacher you cannot be a teacher because you have no knowledge about the job of a teacher and you have no right o teach student if you don't know to teach. The same as with the doctor, they cannot treat a patient with out a licence as a sort of especiality practise, with out this they cannot be called as doctors because they have no right  no treat or they can ruin patients life or health. SO BETTER TAKE A COLLEGE COURSE.

Lunes, Marso 28, 2011

reason why i choose computer science..

               I choose computer science because it has a low tuition that every one has a chance to take and to achieve their goals by this course. And as a matter of  fact COMPUTER SCIENCE is one of the course  that many student take because it is one of the course where in demand in abroad and even in our own country.
            The one thing is that our world is changing rapidly. Computer has many use and we can find easily a better job that is appropriate in this course like call center, cashier, or even secretary and many that are related to computer that have a good salary that many people wish to have . And this is the course where after we graduated, we can already find a good job with out any exam which you can spend a money for the  reviewer and other more

who i am..?

          I am GINALYN BILLONES, 18 years of age I was born on march 19,1993.